
Five Advantages of Using RFID Readers

Radio Frequency Readers are usually found as hand-held or hands-free. These devices use radio frequency to track several valuable assets in a dock or a godown. People who own warehouses must keep a wide range of RFID readers, which work more properly and are used more widely nowadays. The advantages of using RFID readers are as follows :

1.  Helps Keep Count of Assets

The owner of the warehouse can easily keep track of all his valuable assets. Earlier it was next to impossible to keep a hold of all the assets; most of them were either lost or misplaced. RFID readers are mostly useful for people owning more than one warehouse. RFID retail inventory management can be improvised in your warehouse to keep a measurement of the commodities present in your warehouse.

2.  Helps Improve Traceability with the Help of Tags

Due to the presence of active and passive chips on the warehouse goods, it becomes easier for the RFID readers to capture them. Various chips are available online, like LF, HF and UHF Chips. Low-Frequency Tags (LH tags) can track objects which are at a distance of 15cm. High-frequency tags (HF Tags) can read out data at a distance of 1 foot. HF tags can be used to track animals and vehicles. It is compatible to be used on metal objects.

UHF (Ultra Frequency Tags) are quite expensive. These are usually used in for collecting toll tax and parking charges. These Tags help to read out data information and track down the objects. Therefore, different tags are used by different industries to track down inventories.

3.  RFID Readers are Better than Barcode

Barcode is mostly used in semi-developing countries. These are slow and can only collect information about the commodities one by one. In comparison to RFID readers, they are incompatible in the market. RFID readers can collect information more accurately and read hundreds and thousands of commodities simultaneously. RFID readers can collect information and has a vast memory to store it too.

4.  RFID Readers Can Help Edit and Re-Change the Information of the Commodities

All the developed countries most widely use RFID readers as they help edit and change commodities' data. This technology can be used to change many things about a commodity by the warehouse owner. He can log into his computer device and can change the price, update the new price, and update new information about the commodity by enabling RFID technology in the warehouse.

5.  Helps in Cases of Theft and Robbery

RFID readers are the best to use if your warehouse contains expensive commodities. Expensive commodities can be easily misplaced or can get stolen. If RFID chips are not installed on the commodities, then it becomes next to impossible to find them out.

For such cases, RFID readers come in handy. Instead of running after the police department to find out your expensive items in the warehouse, you can do tracking of stolen items with the help of RFID automated inventory .

You must buy good-quality RFID Readers if you want to avoid any loss of your warehouse commodities. Before buying RFID readers, you must know the benefits it provides.

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